Below you will find a selection of the lowest priced boots from the world's most respected brands in rugby. You don't have to spend a lot to get a quality pair for your game.
= '10' and prod_title not like '%kids%' and urlname != 'adipure' and urlname != 'v111' and urlname != 'adipure' order by prod_score_month desc, prod_score desc limit 21"; $kitresult = mysql_query($kitdetails,$connection) or die("Error in shirt search details"); include "includes/kitresult.php"; ?>Just because you are on a budget, it doesn't mean you should compromise on your rugby boots, most likely you are going to want them to last you a season, there is no point buying a cheap pair that only last you until Christmas.
More often than not you can get older styles of boots for a discount, they won't be in the latest colourway, but they will do the job. Try and read the reviews on boots or follow a reccomendation for your position to end up with the right pair