First Rugby Boots

We have been asked the question? “Please could you advise me which boots would be suitable for my son who is starting senior school in September and will need a pair of black rugby boots.”

It is pretty certain that at this time of year there will be many of you out there asking the same question, so we will try and answer as fully as possible.

Buying Your First Boots

Any of these boots should provide what is required for someone new to the game, but make sure the boots you buy have replaceable studs.

Boots are to some degree dependant on the position you are going to play, in the forwards or backs. However, for someone starting out, they will not have a specific position but should be offered the opportunity to play in as many as possible. With this in mind we need to go for a boot that covers the most requirements.

So what will we suggest: We would go for a mid cut boot offering some ankle support. We would also go for studded boots and not blades, as studs offer a more even balance in ground contact and certainly less possibility of slipping. The down side can be they are not ideal on hard early season grounds. We would also go for a hard toe boot as this offers more protection from accidentally being stood on.

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