v-Konstrukt III report

Well, I have worn the v-Konstrukt III boots a couple of times and must say they are very comfortable, light and easy to run with. The ankle support with the solid heel is superb if a little strange at first, there being no give and collapse on impact or side movement. The traction is excellent allowing good speed of the mark and easy change of direction. So far this has only been on very soft ground so it will be interesting to see how they go if it firms up a bit, they will certainly not be suitable for firm grounds in my opinion.

The Boots during warm-up
The Boots during warm-up

Buy Puma Rugby Boots

All in all the v-Konstrukt III seem a good buy for backs but not for forwards who I feel need the higher ankle support offered by a mid or high cut boot. Also the very soft uppers did not offer any protection to the toes when in a ruck or maul situation, so need to be aware of this although I cannot see what you can do except hope for the best.
To see my previous comments when the boots first arrived, just click here.
Now need to wear them over a longer period and see how robust they are, look out for my next report.

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